oke. already 4 am.
i cant sleep lol~
malas nk kaco syg nk ajk mcj..sbb die keje pagi sok.
hurmmm... what must i do?
ermmm td sume org smbut earth hour.
so td aku bergelap kt lobby Philea tu.
just pasang candle. romantik ooo..

tp susa nk wat reservation sbb xnmpk hahaha
so the solution is dekat an candle dgn keyboard.. bru la nmpk..
tp ade je guest yg ngomel2 ckp mengusah an diri la ape la..
haaihhhh.. nk je aku ckp "cek, bumi ni da tenat.. at least kite appreciate die.. lgpon earth hour ni bukan selalu pon.. once a while je kot" haiss tp nk wat cmner hati pelanggan kite kene jge. hehe
nk xnk iye kan aje.
ermm Congratulations to Earth People
save our Earth.
Save Our Life.
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