"Dukacita dimaklumkan bahawa anda
dalam permohonan kemasukan ke IPTA bagi Sesi Akademik 2011/2012".
wah lame da x bukak blog ni.. sory blog lappy problem laa..
but i'm back! weehoo..
ermmm hari2 yg aku lalui semakin sesak nafas aku ase.
tp aku cube tuk hadap sume nie.
biase la.. hidup.. masing2 tgh membina kehidupan
ermm cam biase m'cari something yg aku rase terbaik tok diri aku
next month PUASA da..
wehhoo.. RAYA..
sedar x sedar da nk 4 bulan aku kt myDin
so far i'm feeling great here.
dapat la jgk gelak hari2.. haha
paling penting ade mase tok syg.
da dekat ni xde la risau mane pon.
berat badan?? S to M to L to XL
Aargghh sikit tension.. da mule nk jd gemok balik
but dont cll me FATTY nicely cll me SEXY.. lol

owhh man! this is not cool..
this is DISASTER!
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday
hahaha.. counting day for salary..
want to buy :
new cloth
new shoes
syg bring me to COTTON ON
want to buy something there.

mcm klaka but it's cool right?
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