Tuesday, February 15, 2011

plan B : loading..........

done! hopefully ur answer is yes!
adehhh.. xmau letak harapan yg tinggi sbb t mesti kecewe~ hehehe
smalam p interview
actually first time p interview..
as a customer service
overall berjalan lancar n fun sgt..
and first time jgk masuk kt PHILEA RESORT tuh.
sgt2 santek~
fuhh..kalu dpt keje kt situ mesti best(angan2 jap)
result lom tau lg.. sok baru tau.
call me..call me.. please!!!

tambah lg 1 momentos.
waa=( lame da x mcm ni kan~
windu kot.

1 comment:

  1. mlm to re-do balik moments2 maser stady dulu!mish nyer!!dah lame xlepak2 mcm tu n xsgke we get chance to do it again.
